الخميس، 4 أبريل 2013

4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man

4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man
4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man
4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man
 4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man
4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man
4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man
4 Things should stay in the well the secrets of a man

In the life of every man secrets each Evdhaa time and other reveals the man voluntarily and other secrets remain buried in a well Asiraralrgel deep and there Asirarvy man's life must be disclosed and Osrarakhary must remain confidential, and the intention here is not to hide the man these secrets for women or secrets Akhcyalrgel that you know women, on the contrary, there are some things nostalgic going to talk about and that should be well understood by women than men.
But what we mean things that must be kept in a well secrets Alrgelwalty must hidden from the people around him, whether friends or colleagues, and sometimes his family and so let the day trying to keep the wells secrets men and show you through the lines coming some things that must be kept in a well secrets of the man and people Akhvahaalrgel.

In the life of every man secrets each Evdhaa time and other reveals the man voluntarily and other secrets remain buried in a well Asiraralrgel deep and there Asirarvy man's life must be disclosed and Osrarakhary must remain confidential, and the intention here is not to hide the man these secrets for women or secrets Akhcyalrgel that you know women, on the contrary, there are some things nostalgic going to talk about and that should be well understood by women than men.
But what we mean things that must be kept in a well secrets Alrgelwalty must hidden from the people around him, whether friends or colleagues, and sometimes his family and so let the day trying to keep the wells secrets men and show you through the lines coming some things that must be kept in a well secrets of the man and people Akhvahaalrgel.
1 - of the most important things that must be masked man and remain in the world of secrets is his private life and his relationships with women, whether married life and things life or his relationship intimate with his wife These are the red lines that should keep the man that does not Atadha one must remain his life marital kept secret Flaqhalrgel and women are among the most specifics of the man and that you should not know or intervene as the sanctity of one woman and houses should not be rumored to people and careless man be room to talk with anyone.
2 - important things which must remain secret world of men is his salary and his income is not the right one to know salary man or what Adhl his money than his wife and therefore there is no need to be a man's life financial known to his friends and all his family members, no one is Man gets tired and barely earn this money so you do not have to know all the people is the man entered and acquaint themselves with the details of his life and financial aspects of exchange in his life, that's relation Alrgelouhdh if Unmarried and belonged to the man and his wife if he is married.
3 - characteristic of the gentleman that if entrusted him one secret that not divulge this secret so the secrets people that Aatmanoa The man must Adegnha deep in wells secrets own and not disclosed to a These secrets are not the king of men but Tammy life and reputation people so man must be a measure of responsibility and not to disclose any secret entrusted to him.
4 - There are a lot of business that employs men and that could contain secrets harm the welfare of this work and attributes successful man in his be a measure of the secretariat, which makes Theanfez secrets work and does not harm the welfare of labor therefore secrets that work by men must remain buried in the man's secrets as well should let the man his own interest aside and showed his interest on everything and do not gamble these secrets to achieve its own interests.


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